Take up less space at your work station!

Our carefully selected line of compact payment terminals allow you to easily and securely process payments. Economical rental or lease to own options put any model in your reach. All devices support a full range of payment options including credit, debit, digital wallets like Apple Pay® and PayPal, and electronic benefits transfer (EBT). We embed powerful security in all devices, so you can rest assured sensitive cardholder data is secured.


PPS USA More than just a Merchant Services Provider!

One Stop Shop

We’ll deliver everything you need to build your payment solution: from installing hardware and training staff to use it, to providing ongoing support and payment reports. We’re a one-stop shop for all your payment needs.

Trusted Technology

Our best-in-class technology is used by businesses across the world and we handle billions of transactions annually. We offer exceptional reliability rates and process card payments in a matter of seconds.

Data Security

Wherever you take payments, we’ll protect your customers’ data with sophisticated PCI DSS security measures, which include P2PE encryption, safe storage and tokenization to disguise sensitive payment information.

Currency Conversion

Open your doors to international customers with Dynamic Currency Conversion and Multi Currency Conversion. Let customers see prices, and even pay, in their home currencies to reduce the risk of chargebacks.


We implement cutting-edge fraud prevention measures and protect payment data with P2PE encryption and tokenization.

Payment Gateways

If you need to add online payments to your website, our hosted payment gateway represent a simple, secure way to deliver that functionality. Choose from a range of hosted options, or a fully integrated API, and begin selling to customers, on any device, in any part of the work, quickly and conveniently.